please ELABORATE and READ other's comments. Mr "fsx genius", alt + shift + 3 does not work. If you are like myself and want to get the best visual representation of your flight – or at least the one that you can likely relate the most to – then this is an absolute must download for anyone who feels like this.įor more help with being able to actually connect with the flight process itself, this mod can really help you settle. I was always really impressed by camera mods in the past as it’s such an undervalued part of flying around, but this really changes the perspective of the whole thing quite massively. It’s a nice change to the usual views that we are used to getting and can make a pretty big difference to anyone who wants to see how this can be when you get in the cockpit for the first time. All you need to do is hit Shift+# and you’ll be taken to this view – simple, right? Then, you can enjoy the rest of the flight from the one view. The best thing about this mod, though, is the fact that it’s a fixed panel that gets accessed with just two buttons. It might not seem like much but when you start to see the world spin by you from this unique view, it can make the whole flight seem a little bit more impressive than it originally needed. Some models come with this and have this already installed but many of the originals don’t unless you add it in yourself, so it’s nice to be able to actually add this feature into the aircraft that you are using all the time.Ī new camera angle can make such a big difference to how you perceive everything that is going on around you, which is one of the most important things to remember when you first install this mod. It’s a pop-up 2D panel that lets you see everything that’s going on as you fly around, giving you a whole new perspective on the flight. In truth I was really disappointed when FSX was lacking this in the first instance so this was an instant download and install for me.

It’s such a breath of fresh air to be able to hop into the aircraft and just fly off, get everything prepared, and then use a fresh view to look at something else. It’s always nice to have this kind of view as it lets you see so many different sights to what you see if you are just using the same views over and over, and now that this view has been added to FSX with this mod I have to say I’m absolutely loving it! Like many others, I enjoy having the view of the side window that lets me see what’s going on outside the plane. As someone who has spent more than enough of my adult life on airplanes and flying across the world, I know what to look out for and what I enjoy about being on a plane.